At first I was dead set on going to U of M, simply because that is what my family told me I should go. As I got older and started to recognize my strengths and weaknesses as a student I realized I wanted nothing to do with a big state university! I wanted a small school that could provide me with a quality one on one education.

So that got me thinking how big do you want your school to be? Do you want big classes? Do you want small classes with one on one attention?
Once I knew how big I wanted my college to be, I had to ask myself how far away from home do I want to be? I want to be within a couple hours of home.
With those two ideas in mind, I knew I wanted a liberal arts college in Michigan. And with that I took to google! "Liberal arts colleges in Michigan" did the trick, and with the click of a button I was being informed of all these little colleges all across mid Michigan.
I am still a junior in high school, so I have plenty of time to look around, but it is honesty so fun to visit colleges!!
Just this last weekend I went to my first college this last week and it was amazing! The environment was so positive and it felt like everyone was there for their education, not because they were forced into being there.