Monday, November 28, 2016

Learning Meditation

Recently I have been getting into the idea of meditating, and getting in touch with my breathing. It has really helped my psyche.

Contrary to what most people thing, it is beyond challenging to clear your mind and be at peace with your thoughts. I have learned to control these things with some help from different YouTube, and an app called Headspace. The app walks you through a 10 minute breathing exercise and as simple as it sounds, it proves to be rather difficult. (10/10 would recommend if you're new to meditation).

Another route you could take to learning to meditate is simply crashing and burning. Some people find it hard to sit still and try to clear their mind without any background noise, if that is the case you can always listen to some calming sounds such as rainfall or jungle sounds. YouTube is a good source to find these sounds.

I also have tried yoga in attempts to clear my ever buzzing mind. I don't do crazy stand on my head and count to a fifty, I like to do wind-down-yoga like or bed time yoga to help clear the mind. This is one video I LOVE to follow when I am needed a good mind-clearing

My favorite time to meditate or do yoga is when I get home (around 4 or 5). The reason I do this is because this is when my brain is the most cluttered and needs calming. This is just what works best for me, but it works whenever you can fit it into your schedule. remember if anything else you should do it the same-ish time every day and in the same area. The consistency will help you establish a routine.

Happy meditating,


  1. Olivia,
    I haven't had the chance to try out meditating at home, but I have enjoyed it in class everyday. I find that it's a good way to clear my mind and focus myself before having to learn. Although sometimes it's hard, usually I find it relaxing to clear my thoughts, as most of the time I have a thousand different things running through my head. I haven't really thought about doing yoga, usually because I don't have the time or energy for it, but I might consider doing it since you mentioned that it helps to calm you down.
    What works better to calm you down? Meditation or yoga?

    1. Christian,
      Thank you so much for the comment! Meditation and yoga calm different things down for me. If I have a lot on my mind I prefer to meditate and get in touch with what is really important and prioritize my thoughts. If I am physically tired I enjoy yoga. When I become super stressed or if I am sore then stretching my legs and arms tends to calm me down!

  2. Hi Olivia,
    I really appreciate this blog as a straightforward, even-handed, well written piece about meditation. I enjoyed meditating in Dockus’ class, but found it hard to focus my mind first thing in the morning, instead watching it wander from songs to friends to discomforts in a sort of feedback loop which took more energy than I possess at 8:00 AM to get out of. You mentioned guides for exactly this, such as the app. Could you describe for me what it does and what it asks you to do, as I may try it out in order to get back into meditating.

    1. Hi Roan,
      Yes I would love to tell you about the app! When you open the app you have to download these podcast-type audio clips. Once downloaded you press play and a soothing voice starts talking and guiding your mind to focus on different things. This allows you to forget what's on your mind and become aware of your body and your surroundings. With this being said you by the end of this are not thinking about school, friends, or anything else that would be on your mind :).

  3. Olivia,
    I found your blog very interesting and informative. I personally am not a big person on meditation myself. I do not really know why but I just do not enjoy it although I do see why people do enjoy it and the mental benefits it has when you know how to do it. I plan on watching the videos you put above and seeing if I can agree more with the bedtime yoga or something of that sorts. Because I always feel like my thoughts are moving 100 miles per hour and I feel that may contribute to having trouble falling asleep some nights.

    1. Cullen,
      I used to have this problem, but I started committing to a regimented schedule and allowing myself time with my thoughts. I know this isn't as easy for some people, and my best advise for those people would be to have background noise so you can focus on something other than your thoughts. If thoughts intrude your mind then you simply acknowledge them, and let them keep flowing. One way you can do this if by thinking about your body and how heavy it feels or count your in and out breaths. I hope this helps!

  4. Olivia,
    I enjoyed reading your blog post on meditating. It was straight to point and provided excellent information. I always find it difficult to meditate in the morning but since we have been doing it consistently in class, I have found myself being able to concentrate a little bit more every time. I do not meditate every day but when I do, I meditate before I go to sleep because it helps me clear my thoughts of any worries. Yoga has also been a way for me to help center my thoughts but I usually do it in the morning. When I do yoga in the morning, it helps me feel more awake and my mind feels fresh. Would you ever do yoga in the morning as opposed to before you go to bed?

  5. Olivia,
    Though I have tried to meditate in Ms. Dockus's class, and I have done some yoga for exercise, I never really took it far enough to the point where it actually helped me become more peaceful. From reading your response, Meditation sounds like a great way to get your life together. I definitely am considering trying to meditate again. My favorite peaceful sounds would have to be rain and thunder. Thank you for your thoughts on the benefits on meditation.
