Sunday, August 16, 2015

Summer Hiatus: Complete

Mission Reboot: ready for action!

That's right, I'm back! I have been swamped for the past little bit, and currently have more ideas than I know what to do with!

Regardless, I am ready to continue on the adventure known as blogging. Along with my adventure comes a new promise..... I am going to start posting on a (semi-) regular basis! The frequency of my post will depend heavily on what is going on in my personal life that week, but I will do my best to adumbrate the zillions of thoughts flying through my mind day to day, for both your entertainment and my peace of mind.

On a more serious note, I would like to explain the main reason I decided to take a break from posting. It was mostly due to the frustration and sadness that people reacted to negatively to the post that were about how I felt. Just a reminder this is 101 of MY (better) thoughts, so if your offended by my thoughts, why would you read them? Of course I realize that now, that people reacted to my thoughts, and I thought the answer was to change your thoughts. Well, it's not! I have recently been given quite the lesson on learning to trust my own opinion and not instantly discredit myself when someone disagrees with me. Honestly I believe that there are LOADS of people out there that do the same thing as what I did, and discredit yourself in the name of peace, but is it worth it?

For a change of pace, I thought I would start a new platform for people to express some of their (better) thoughts.  So if there is something that you would like to share, just email it to and all you need to do beyond that is specify if you would like it posted anonymously.

Have a good day,