Friday, October 23, 2015

Monumental moments #1

Recently a friend of mine and myself have decided to start a (two person) writing group, so we can further our knowledge of writing and slowly become more comfortable with sharing our writing. (if you're interesting in joining our writing efforts, shoot me an email at

I mean personally, it's not that big of a problem for me, considering I shamelessly shove this blog down the throats of everyone I meet. I mean the mouth is basically free advertisement... AMIRITE?

Anyways, on to my first monumental moment of my life (AKA our first writing for the group):

The Impact of Writing in My Life:

You know the feeling of being around family, the one that makes you feel safe and like you belong? That is the feeling I get from writing.

It almost gives me a natural high from simply knowing that I am capable of  sharing my thoughts and emotions through a set of only 26 letters, that only get moved around to mean different things.

I am constantly thankful for the fact I am able to lay out my thoughts and ideas, but I suppose that can be attributed to the fact it am very, Very, VERY extroverted. So I suppose it is helpful I can successfully communicate what is going on in my chaotic mess of a mind.

The difference between writing and not writing for me is the difference between whether or not I will be able to communicate properly with people. Writing allows for all thoughts to be recorded and then rearranged into a logic order (unlike how they come to me in my head...).

Writing has slowly built up my confidence in what I am capable of producing with my own mind. I have seen the result of this in many different ways, such as: My work in color guard has become more expressive, I have become okay with people looking at me as I put myself on display and I have become okay with criticism. I honestly credit so much of that to my writing and how I have become okay with exposing what I have created.

 It seriously puts you on the spot of proving you either know what you're doing or not. I find that simply exhilarating, (and of course nerve racking, or terrifying if I don't know what I'm doing.)

That's all for now... Hope you're have a fabulous day,



  1. Olivia,
    I enjoyed your description of writing as a way of expressing one's thoughts and ideas. I agree that writing is a way to share your personality with others and strengthen your identity. Its because of these aspects that I enjoy writing, although I would not describe myself as an extroverted person. Sometimes I feel as if writing helps someone to develop their thoughts as well, as it helps to clear up their emotions if they're feeling confused about a topic. My feelings about writing has changed over the last few years, since I used to hate feeling forced to write meaningless words. But now I've figured out how to put meaning into the words I write, and as you put it, using a set of only 26 letters that get moved around to mean different things. How do you think your life would be impacted if you couldn't express your thoughts through writing?

  2. Olivia,
    Honestly, I love this. I feel the exact same you do in that writing is a way to express yourself. I have never really been afraid to put myself out there in writing wise (although I probably should be because I don't have the best technique). And if I'm laying all of my cards out on the table, when you wrote "...I am capable of sharing my thoughts and emotions through a set of only 26 letters..." really, for some reason, got to me. I guess I have never actually thought that beautiful masterpieces have been made with only 26 letters, so hats off to you for making me think! I really, really liked this piece of writing, and I think you have a wonderful voice, so I'm wondering, when did you start writing/ when did you start enjoying it?

  3. Olivia-
    I enjoyed reading your posts! I noticed that all of the things that you write seem to be 100% real as if you were talking to me right now and i think that is a wonderful quality in writing these types of blogs. Your post about self expression was very moving and thought provoking. I have never thought of writing as a way to express yourself but now that you say it, and i have thought of it it is probably one of the best way one could do so. What other means of self expression do you enjoy? art? reading? dancing?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Olivia, I seriously get chills overtime I read your writing. I totally admire how honest you are when it comes to your writing, and how your writing is definitely something I can see you saying to me in real person.
    Throughout my whole life I have never been a writer, because I feel like I am always going to be judged. Though, throughout this year I have become more and more comfortable with writing, and I have let some of my close friends read it. But I will never let them read it in front of me, because I always feel uncomfortable. Though, I really want to get over this fear, because I do enjoy writing, and as you said "it gives me a natural high," this is also how I feel sometimes with writing. I also want to become more comfortable with people reading my writing. Do you have any ideas on how I can get over this fear?
